Are Disposable Vapes Recyclable?

20 August 2024
Zest Recycle

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In the world of vaping, disposable vapes have become the go-to for many. They’re convenient, compact, and ready to use right out of the box. But as these tiny devices grow in popularity, so do the questions about their environmental impact. One of the most trending questions on Google is “Are disposable vapes recyclable?”

We’re here to help answer that question.


What Exactly Are Disposable Vapes?

Before we tackle the recycling question, let’s quickly recap what disposable vapes are. These are single-use electronic devices designed for vaping. Unlike reusable vapes, you don’t need to refill them or change coils. Once the e-liquid runs out or the battery dies, the vape is meant to be thrown away.

The Materials Inside Disposable Vapes

To understand whether disposable vapes can be recycled, it’s essential to know what they’re made of:

  • Plastic: The outer casing is often made from plastic, which is technically recyclable but varies by local recycling capabilities.
  • Lithium-ion Battery: These batteries are found in most electronic devices and are recyclable but require special handling.
  • Metal Components: The coil and wiring inside the vape are typically made of metal, another recyclable material.
  • E-liquid: Some residual e-liquid might remain in the device, which is considered hazardous waste.

So, Are Disposable Vapes Recyclable?

The short answer is yes, but with a big “it depends.”

Most parts of a disposable vape—like the plastic casing, metal coil, and battery—can be recycled. However, the process isn’t as straightforward as tossing them in your recycling bin.

Here’s why:

  1. Batteries Require Special Handling
    The lithium-ion batteries inside disposable vapes are hazardous if not disposed of properly. They can’t just be tossed in the general waste or standard recycling bin. Instead, they need to be taken to a facility that handles electronic waste (WEEE waste).
  2. Mixed Materials Complicate Things
    The combination of plastic, metal, and leftover e-liquid makes these devices tricky to recycle. Recycling facilities often need to separate these components, which not all of them can do efficiently.
  3. Residual E-Liquid is Hazardous
    Any leftover e-liquid in a disposable vape is considered hazardous waste. This further complicates the recycling process since it needs to be carefully disposed of to avoid environmental contamination.

What happens when vapes are put in the General Waste or Recycling bin?

When vapes are disposed of incorrectly, they are at risk of getting crushed either in the bin lorry during transport, or at the recycling centre. The vapes begin to spark, which can then cause a fire – causing not only a health and safety risk, but also a major financial impact. A recent news article from the BBC shared that battery and vape related fires has risen from 700 in 2022 to over 1200 in the last year.

Read the full BBC news article

Zest Recycle

How to Properly Dispose of a Disposable Vape

If you’re concerned about the environmental impact of your disposable vapes, here’s what you can do:

  1. Check Local Regulations: Start by looking up your local recycling guidelines. Some areas have specific drop-off points for electronic waste, which is the best place to take your used vapes.
  2. Electronic Waste Facilities: Many towns have WEEE recycling centres. These facilities are equipped to handle the complex materials found in disposable vapes, including the battery and metals.
  3. Retailer Programs: Some vape shops or electronic stores offer take-back programs where you can drop off used vapes for proper disposal.
  4. Vape Recycling Bins: If there are vapers at your workplace, it may be worth investing in a vape recycling bin. This can be placed in or around your dedicated smoking area and can be collected for appropriate disposal once full.

A Greener Alternative: Reusable Vapes

If you’re a regular vaper and concerned about sustainability, consider switching to a reusable vape. These devices produce less waste over time and are often more cost-effective in the long run. Plus, many parts of reusable vapes can be recycled more easily than their disposable counterparts.


The Bottom Line

So, are disposable vapes recyclable? Technically, yes, but the process is complicated and varies depending on where you live. The best approach is to be mindful of how you dispose of these devices—look for WEEE waste facilities, take advantage of recycling programs, and consider making the switch to reusable vapes for a more sustainable vaping experience.

Remember, every small step counts when it comes to reducing your environmental impact.


To see how to adopt a WEEE recycling scheme for your business, get in touch!

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At Zest Recycle, we deliver tailored resource management solutions which focus on industry best practice to ensure our clients are environmental leaders in their sector.


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